Candy Corn Candles

Fall Layer Candles

Written by
Cindy Novack
Published on
September 16, 2022 at 11:06:20 AM PDT September 16, 2022 at 11:06:20 AM PDTth, September 16, 2022 at 11:06:20 AM PDT

Even if you aren't a fan of the candy corn, the candles smell fantastic and are fun to decorate with too. This basic concept of layering can be used to create different candles too!


Skill Level: Intermediate

Duration: 3 hours (including cooling time between layers)

Makes: Approximately Six 8 oz. candles (can multiple recipe to make bigger quantities)





  1. 1. Gather equipment and supplies. Weight the correct amount of wax and heat to 180 °F.

  2. 2. Prepare jars while wax melts. Affix burning instruction label to bottom of jar. Use wick tape to attach the wick to the inside bottom of the jars and secure wicks with wick clips.

  3. 3. Add Candy Candy Fragrance Oil to wax and stir well. If melting all wax together add fragrance oil then divide out for color. If melting separately 1 oz. of fragrance oil per color.

  4. 4. Divide fragranced wax evenly amongst 3 small pouring pitchers if not already divided. 
  5. - Add 2 orange diamond dyes per lb. of wax to one pitcher
  6. - Add 1 yellow diamond dye per lb. of wax to one pitcher
  7. - Add 2 white diamond dyes per lb. of wax to one pitcher

  1. 5. Place pouring pitchers back on the griddle so they can stay warm and melt diamond dyes. Stir to help melt and integrate diamond dyes. 

  2. 6. Pour orange layer into jar until about ⅓ or less full. Set a timer for 30 minutes and let it cool.

  1. 7. When the orange layer is cool enough to have a thick skin on the top and look opaque on the sides, slowly pour the yellow wax (150-160 °F) layer until the jar is ⅔ or less full. Set a timer for 30 minutes.

  2. 8. When the yellow layer is cool enough to have a thick skin on the top and look opaque on the sides, slowly pour the white wax (150-160 °F) until the jar is full to desired height. 

  3. 9. Allow candles to cool for 24 hours and enjoy!