How to Make Bath Bombs

How to Make Bath Bombs

Written by
Cindy Novack
Published on
June 8, 2021 at 11:38:49 AM PDT June 8, 2021 at 11:38:49 AM PDTth, June 8, 2021 at 11:38:49 AM PDT

Bath bombs have been a personal luxury favorite for years and they couldn’t be more popular right now. There are so many different combinations and styles you can make – the possibilities are endless! Bath bombs can be super frustrating too, getting them to mold properly, not turn to dust after drying, packaging etc. They take a bit of practice, but once you get a formula and technique that works for you there will be a lot less frustration. A few tips and tricks of the trade are listed too that will help your success rate. Have fun!

Equipment you will need:

Stand mixer with whisk attachment

Blender to grind citric acid

Scale to weigh ingredients

Large Mixing Bowl (the one on the stand mixer)

1-2 C Measuring cup for wet ingredients

Measuring spoons

Spray bottle of isopropyl alcohol or witch hazel

Metal meat ballers or other bath bomb molds

Round plastic bath bomb molds (for drying)


• Choose days with less than 60% humidity to make bombs

• Always use a stand mixer to blend ingredients. The difference is magical.

• Finely ground your citric acid – your bomb will be harder

• Add citric acid as your last ingredient – the mix won’t start reacting when your wet ingredients get blended in.

• Packability test – grab a handful of mix and squeeze together in your palm. Drop clump back into bowl at 12” high. If clump stays together, your mix is ready for molding. If clump falls apart, your mix is too dry – add alcohol and test again.

Basic Recipe:

Dry Ingredients:

• 2 cups baking soda

• 1 cup Tapioca Starch, Corn Starch or Arrowroot Powder

• 1 TBSP Cream of Tartar (Hardens bombs)

• Bath Bomb Approved Color (if desired) A small amount goes a long way! Using too much will color your water & stain your tub

Sieve dry ingredients to break up any clumps and whisk in stand mixer until a nice smooth blend is achieved.

Wet Ingredients:

• .6 oz. Cocoa Butter

• .6 oz. Shea Butter

• 1.2 oz. Light oil (Sunflower or grapeseed are my favorites

• .3 oz. distilled water or hydrosol

• .3 oz. IPA – Isopropyl Alcohol

• .3 oz. Fragrance oil

1. Measure and mix wet ingredients thoroughly in small measuring cup.

2. Add to dry ingredients and whisk to blend completely.

3. Add 1 cup finely ground citric acid (grind in blender – your bombs will be harder and less reactive to humidity)

4. Mix all ingredients for an additional 3 minutes in stand blender.

5. Perform packability test

6. Spray or add Alcohol/Witch Hazel as needed to make mixture clumpier.

7. Pack tightly into molds and demold onto wax paper for flat bombs or in round plastic bath bomb molds for sphere shapes.

8. Let dry and harden for 24 hours before packaging.

Shower Steamer Recipe:

Dry Ingredients:

• 3 cups baking soda

• 1 TBSP Cream of Tartar (Hardens bombs)

• Bath Bomb Approved Color (if desired) A small amount goes a long way! Using too much will color your water & stain your tub

Sieve dry ingredients to break up any clumps and whisk in stand mixer until a nice smooth blend is achieved.

Wet Ingredients:

• 1.5 oz. Light oil, butter or softened foaming bath butter (my favorites: sunflower, grapeseed)

• 1 1/2 TBSP distilled water or hydrosol

• 1 tsp. fragrance oil

1. Measure and mix wet ingredients thoroughly in small measuring cup.

2. Add to dry ingredients and whisk to blend completely.

3. Add 1 cup finely ground citric acid (grind in blender – your bombs will be harder and less reactive to humidity)

4. Mix all ingredients for an additional 3 minutes in stand blender.

5. Perform packability test

6. Spray or add Alcohol/Witch Hazel as needed to make mixture clumpier.

7. Pack tightly into molds and demold onto wax paper for flat bombs or in round plastic bath bomb molds for sphere shapes.

8. Let dry and harden for 24 hours before packaging.