Formulating Your Own CP or HP Soaps - 10/11/24 - 1:30 to 3:30 pm

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Ok so you've made a few basic batches of soap or are stuck on a recipe that is tried and true but you are wondering how to use other oils and butter to create your own signature soap.  SAP values, lye discounts, water discounts, and all of that other stuff are so confusing and seem impossible to learn.

In this class, you will learn the basics of how to create and calculate your own soap recipes, use a lye calculator, and then you will be making your own batch of soap from your newly created recipe.

This is not a beginner class so you must have already attended one of our CP or HP Basic classes before signing up for this session.

Additional Information

10/11/24 - 1:30 to 3:30 pm - Advanced class - Basic CP or HP Soap class prerequisite

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